You are receiving this letter because you are either a high-net-worth client of Blackburne & Sons Realty Capital Corporation (since 1980) or you once applied for a commercial real estate loan of $1 million or more using or Blackburne & Sons and C-Loans, Inc. are sister companies.
Today we celebrate the correction. Hooray! I'm doing dog-flips. Removal instructions are below.
Joke Du Jour
A couple with three children waited in line at San Francisco's Pier 41 to purchase tickets for a boat trip to Alcatraz. Others watched with varying degrees of sympathy and irritation as the young children fidgeted, whined, and punched one another. The frazzled parents reprimanded them to no avail. Finally they reached the ticket window. "Five tickets, please," the father said. "Two round-trip, three one-way."
My Wife Can Sometimes Be So Endearing

Remember, You Want To Stick Like Glue To Blackburne & Sons:
We are a very rare breed of animal. We are old-time syndicators. I explain more in the final section of this newsletter.
Salad Joke
Child at dinner table: "Are caterpillars good to eat?" Parent: "No. Why would you ask a question like that?" Child: "Well, there was one in your salad, but it's gone now."
Download Your Free Guide, "How To Find Houses To Flip"
Download your free guide here.
Need a Commercial Real Estate Loan? is a commercial mortgage portal. It will take you just four minutes to complete your mini-app. Then C-Loans will sort through its databank of 750 commercial lenders and produce for you a custom-generated Suggested Lender List containing twenty to thirty lenders who are perfect for your particular deal. You put a check mark next to six lenders and then press, "Submit." Within minutes hungry commercial lenders will be contacting you with offers.
Yeah, I've Often Wondered This Myself

Hooray For the Correction!
Most of us have probably forgotten just how wonderful a little bit of inflation can be for the economy. No longer can terrified investors keep money stuffed under their mattresses. They've got to put it to work because inflation will eat up its value. The suns shines when money starts to circulate faster in the economy.
Those of you who own commercial real estate - you lucky dogs - are about to see your properties appreciate VERY handsomely over the next three to four years. Blackburne & Sons is trying find properties in Sacramento to syndicate, but its not as easy as it seems. It's already a seller's market, and the really scary part is that no one will want to sell at all when commercial real estate starts appreciating 1% per month.
Okay, now on to the correction. Bull markets go up in five waves (and fall in three waves). By correcting now, in response to the spectre of rising interest rates, the stock market is setting the stage for the next big bull market leg upwards. Stay in the stock market! (Is this guy an idiot? Doesn't he sell first mortgages?)
But what about inflation and higher interest rates? Aren't they wonderful? The Fed has been trying to create positive inflation for almost 15 years now. Why? Because once inflation re-ignites, companies will finally have pricing power again. Think huge corporate profits. Somebody please wipe the drool from my chin. Ha-ha!
This country is around 240 years old. The next four to six years are going to be the best years in our economic history.
Want to earn 7% to 12% in first mortgage investments? You can sign up to be on our mortgage investor email list here.
Important Note: If you reside outside of California, you must be an accredited investor.
Diet Joke
Mary and Jill decided to split a can of Diet Pepsi during a break. Mary opened the can and poured half the contents into her own glass and half into Jill's glass. Before tossing the can, she stopped to read the nutritional information on the side. "Only one calorie per can," she read aloud. "Hmm," murmured Jill. "I wonder which glass has the calorie?"
Be Sure to Read the Second Line. Ha-ha!

Invest in 7% to 12% First Mortgages
You probably have money set aside for your retirement and for the cost of college for your children and grandchildren. It shouldn't all be invested in the stock market.
In California, the first trust deed investment business is huge. A recent law change - the JOBS Act - now allows accredited investors nationwide to also invest in these same first trust deeds and first mortgages. Click here for more information.
Chuck Norris Joke
Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross, but its never his own.
If You Cannot Find the Perfect Commercial Lender on C-Loans, Then Try Our Second Portal
We actually own another commercial mortgage portal, ("CMDC"). I paid $100,000 just for that domain name. Ouch. Actually it was very worth it.
Anyway, CMDC is a much easier and faster commercial mortgage portal than C-Loans. In addition, CMDC enjoys over 3,000 different commercial lenders. So why shouldn't you just always use
Unlike CMDC, actually allows you to submit your commercial loan to dozens and dozens of commercial lenders, six lenders at a time. But if C-Loans doesn't produce just the right lender, then you should move on to
And best of all, both our our commercial mortgage portals are 100% free.
Do We Need a Northern Wall?

Banana Bread Joke
The banana loaf that I was making was in the oven when my 16-year-old came into the kitchen where the family had gathered. "That bread smells about done, don't you think, Mom?" he asked. I told him I had set the timer, and it still had five minutes. A little later he repeated his suggestion. "Mom, I really think that loaf is done. Maybe you should check it."
Always quick to come to my defense, my 13-year-old son said, "Eddie, Mom's been burning that banana bread for 20 years now. I think she knows when to take it out."
Want to Speak With a Loan Officer From Blackburne & Sons?
Blackburne & Sons, our private money commercial lending company, continues to seek slightly-flawed first mortgages between $100,000 to $3.5 million on standing commercial properties nationwide.
To apply for a private money commercial loan from Blackburne & Sons, please find your favorite loan officer below:
George Blackburne IV: 916-338-3232 Ext. 314
To apply to George IV online, please click here.
Tom Blackburne: 574-210-6686
To apply to Tom online, please click here.
Alicia Gandy (Loan Goddess): 916-338-3232 Ext. 310
To apply to Alicia online, please click here.
Michael Young: 916-338-3232 Ext. 310
To apply to Mike online, please click here.
Body Joke
The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O,U.
Invest in 7% to 12% First Mortgages
I strongly urge you to get on our email list of private mortgage investors. We sell exclusively by email, and we have been selling such investments for over 30 years. Click here for more information.
Here is Why You Want to Stay Close to Blackburne & Sons:
Founded in 1980, Blackburne & Sons is an old-time syndicator. There are very few of us left. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 pretty much nuked the whole syndication industry off the face of the Earth. Because you know a syndicator, you now have access to some special money.
If you need a fix and flip loan, a buy-to-rent loan, a bridge loan, or even a permanent loan on, say, your single-wide trailer park in Georgia, we'll make you a private money loan. We've been syndicating hard money loans for 37 years.
If you have some dough set aside for your kid's college, and you want to be extra careful with it, we'll put you into a first trust deed investment (6% to 9% yields) on, say, a nice 8-unit apartment building in San Jose, California.
Let's suppose you are richer than Crassus, and you want to speculate in 11% and 12% first trust deeds. We've got them.
Do you find yields of even 11% to 12% too tame? Want a chance to earn 16% or 17%? We put together syndicates to make preferred equity investments.
Are you a wise investor? We put together syndicates to buy investment properties for all cash. (This strategy has my strongest recommendation.) Because you would own the property free and clear, you should be able to weather just about any recession. Right now we are buying industrial buildings close to downtowns in big California cities.
We have not yet raised equity capital for a developer, but if someone brought us a development deal on a small, multi-tenant industrial building located within a mile of downtown of a large California city, we would definitely take a look at it.
Do you own any first mortgage notes? Want to sell a note at a discount? Better yet, why not simply borrow against it? This is called a hypothecation, and we do 'em.
Please be very wise and play close attention to the following:
Because every loan we make is a new syndicate (as opposed to a fund investment), Blackburne & Sons is always in the market.
When the stock market has fallen by 40%, when real estate values are falling like a knife, and when your own bank is too terrified to lend you a dime, Blackburne & Sons always has a group of savvy investors willing to lend - admittedly at a price - when blood is running in the streets. We are one of a tiny handful of lenders who remained in the market, making loans, every single day of the Great Recession.
So stick close to us. Syndicators are pretty rare, and now you know one.
Final Funny
A young couple honeymooning in Las Vegas were down to their last two dollars. The groom told the bride that he had a feeling that he could turn the two bucks into a fortune if he went down to the casino alone. Once in the casino, he put one dollar each into two slot machines and won Jackpots on both totaling $10,000.
He then played blackjack for an hour until he had $50,000 in chips. Next, he played poker and upped his winnings to $100,000. He was about to cash in his chips when he got a hunch that his luck hadn't run out. So he took all his money and placed it on Black at the roulette table, hoping to double his money. But the ball came up Red. He returned to his hotel room.
"How did you do?" asked the bride. The groom shrugged and said, "I lost two dollars."